Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Worst kept secret

My husband and I had decided not to tell the girls about our decision to homeschool them next year until this school year was over. While it is true that I am firing the school for doing a poor job, I see no upside to my 2nd grade daughter announcing that to her class. There was only a week left in the school year. I thought I could keep a secret for a week. This morning in the car Boo mentioned how excited she was to ride the bus next year. I could have lied by omission or outright lied to her but that is just not the example I want to set. Instead I asked her what she would think if she didn’t ride the bus next year and we did homeschool. She told me she wanted to go to school with Angel. I told her that Angel would be homeschooled too. Well, Little Boo was pretty excited about that. That afternoon we drove to the bus stop to pick up Angel. She no more than got in the car when Boo shouted out, “Guess what? Next year we are going to be homeschooled.” Angel didn’t believe her at first and asked me why some kids do homeschool and some kids go to school. I told her that the parents had thought about it and made the choice that was best for their family. She said, “and going to school is best for our family.” I answered, “It use to be. We are going to try homeschool and see if that is best for our family.” “Why?” “It will allow us to do more science and we can do math at your level and you won’t have to be bored as much.” “Yea! And since you are our teacher we could start now and we don’t even have to take the summer off.” Now I am more certain that we are heading in the right direction. She is excited about more science and extra math. We are not however, going to start right now. I have too much to get ready yet. She was comforted by the fact that we will be doing the library summer reading program and she can still do her math minutes from her work book. What a goof.

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